Live bird images, birds in motion

I am now experimenting with the animated images of birds ("live" images showing the birds in motion). This is something between a static photo and video. I found out already that it requires quite a lot of manual work and fine tuning, but when done well such "live" image can provide a much better impression of a bird than just a static photograph. Let me know what you think to peter.ertl[at]

Rotschulterente, Ringed teal
Pfeifente, Eurasian Wigeon
Eistaucher, Common Loon
Haubentaucher, Great Crested Grebe
Seidenreiher, Little Egret
Löffler, Eurasian Spoonbill
Wasserralle, Water Rail
Teichhuhn, Common Moorhen
Sandregenpfeifer, Common Ringed Plover
Goldregenpfeifer, European Golden Plover
Flussuferläufer, Common Sandpiper
Rotmilan, Red Kite
Eisvogel, Common Kingfisher
Bienenfresser, European Bee-eater
Schwarzspecht, Black Woodpecker
Rauchschwalbe, Barn Swallow
Gebirgsstelze, Grey Wagtail
Amsel, Common Blackbird
Orpheusspötter, Melodious Warbler
Orpheusspötter, Melodious Warbler
Blaumeise, Blue Tit
Mauerläufer, Wallcreeper
Neuntöter, Red-backed Shrike
Star, Common Starling
Stieglitz, European Goldfinch

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